Milton Keynes Footcare
Your Local Chiropodist / Podiatrist in Milton Keynes
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Laser Verruca & Wart Clinic
We are entering the 21st century being equipped by a substantial inventory of various medical devices and drug preparations, however, many of them are not always of great help. Fortunately, the medical science does not stand still and offers new treatment methods. One of such methods is magnetic-laser therapy. This ther-apy is broadly used in the medical practice, and becomes more popular day after day.
The methods of using the quantum therapy provided in the present Methodical Guide are broadly known and have been applied in clinical practice for many years. The Guide is built on the principles of clearness, simplicity, efficiency and "pain free".
Benefits of Laser treatment:
*Pain Free
*Ideal for Children
*Speedily treats wide areas of infection
*Solutions with very low reoccurrence rate Ideal for Mosaic and Cluster Verrucae
*Treatable to a wider range of Patients including Diabetics
Telephone 07904 676257